Order a signed copy of THE STATE OF FIRE; Why California Burns. An illustrated journey of ecology, cartography and insight into one of the most pressing issues of the twenty-first century. $28 plus shipping.
Order Obi's final volume in the California Lands Trilogy of books, The Deserts of California. A richly illustrated journey into California's precious deserts and the astonishing biodiversity they contain. $55 plus shipping.
Only available here from the author directly, order Obi's three volume California Lands Trilogy of books: The Forests of California, The Coasts of California, and The Deserts of California. Limited time at a special price $200. Author's custom inscription available at no charge.
Explore the rhythms of the tides, the lives of sea creatures, the shifting of rocks and sand, and the special habitats found where the land meets the ocean in the The Coasts of California. Click below to order from the author with customizable inscription; $55 plus shipping.
Click below to order the first California Field Atlas; hundreds of handpainted maps describing how earth, air, fire, and water work together across the State. Purchase directly from the author; $45 plus tax and shipping.
Click below to order second in Obi Kaufmann's series of California Field Atlases, the Forests of California; a comprehensive study of California's arboreal habitats and biogeography. Purchase directly from the author; $55 plus tax and shipping.
Click below to order The State of Water, Obi Kaufmann's artful analysis of storage, conveyance, and usage of California's most precious resource. Purchase directly from the author, $20 plus tax and shipping.
Click below to order the hardcover, deluxe edition of Obi Kaufmann's The California Field Atlas— purchase directly from the author, signed with a custom inscription; $65 plus shipping.
Obi Kaufmann's original California Field Atlas, directly from the author with a customized inscription.
Inside its water infrastructure and ecosystems, discover a new understanding of California's most precious resource.
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Explore the essays, poetry and paintings of Obi Kaufmann at his blog, www.coyoteandthunder.com